Miżieb Nursery

Human life centred around agriculture, spending time in nature, and connecting with the changing seasons and the community. For many this is no longer the norm, our behavioural trends became more urbanised at a distance from the source of our basic needs.
By growing and harvesting our own food, we can restore and reconnect with nature and our food sources while benefiting from multiple health and environmental benefits and reduce costs.
ACT’s Miżieb Nursery and Vegetable Garden
The Miżieb Nursery is a space where ACT volunteers can experiment and learn about growing different kinds of food and native trees.
By growing and harvesting our own food, we can restore and reconnect with nature and our food sources while benefiting from multiple health and environmental benefits and reduce costs.
ACT’s Miżieb Nursery and Vegetable Garden
The Miżieb Nursery is a space where ACT volunteers can experiment and learn about growing different kinds of food and native trees.
Constructed raised beds, flower beds and a small shelter for saplings and seedlings
Started a compost bin which is kept up using food scraps from the nursery
Restored a water cistern in the vicinity to collect rainwater as a sustainable water source for the nursery
Planted and experimented with countless veggies and fruits - all #organic (check them out in our previous posts)
Held workshops on using organic methods to grow foods